Date:February 9, 2018 Saturday 2pm to 4pm Venue: Shelter of Hope Paco park Manila
For almost 7 years, Ms. Kimmy and family had been a partner of Chummy Chum is spreading their blessings to poor children who are sick. It all started when Ms. Kimmy saw Chummy Chum’s Facebook Page and immediately messaged to inquire how they can contribute and help with the foundation’s causes. Ms. Kimmy initially agreed to have her birthday celebrated with the less fortunate and from then on she and her family had been sharing their blessings through the help of Chummy Chum.
Chummy Chum has been spreading its mission of giving blessings to poor children around the country. It is in this light that Ms. Kimmy and her family put their whole trust and support to the foundation’s mission. Whenever they have blessings to share the family immediately contact Chummy Chum to bridge their donations to poor children whenever and wherever, including the Shelter of Hope.
In addition, Ms. Kimmy and family also provide, aside from food and gifts, clowns and games to truly make their charity event an eventful one to poor children. This is the reason why the founder of Chummy Chum is very thankful for their partnership through the years.
The important thing for both the family and the foundation is that poor children with cancer be given the joy they deserve.
