Kendrick Brent Gatbonton, Age 1 year 7 months, Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is a birth defect that affects normal blood flow through the heart. It happens when a baby’s heart does not form correctly as the baby grows and develops in the mother’s womb during pregnancy. It is a severe condition of Congenital Heart Disease in children.
The child is the youngest among 5 siblings. The family is mostly supported by the eldest son who works as a construction worker, while the parents are taking chances with any (legal) job in the street that could earn them a little money. Apparently, they can’t do anything now as they have been stuck at home due to the community-wide flooding in their area caused by the recent typhoon Ulysses. They live in Pampanga, one of the most severely affected by the typhoon. The child must undergo urgent heart surgery and the parents have been arranging help from various charity groups.
Chummy Chum Foundation immediately sent medical assistance to cover the maintenance medicine, medical management, and nutritional needs of the child in preparation for the inevitable surgical operation, as well as a nursing kit, and a month supply of grocery items for the family.
Certainly helping is not about how much you give, but responding to the urgency of it.