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The needs of baby Koji were felt and the help came just in time it is needed the most.

Baby Koji Joson has congenital heart disease and is being treated at the San Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center. He just had surgical operations on his stomach awaiting the schedule for his heart surgery, for which he has to be prepared medically and physically. He is on a maintenance medication and must be given proper nourishment before the major operations take place. His mom who is a single parent has no job and source of income. At one point (perhaps) she could not sleep as she was thinking of how she can provide for her sick baby. She took her chances and chatted to the Chummy Chum Foundation late at night for help. Just before the break of dawn, a voluntary partner-donor, sir Mark Garcia, offered to share his blessings to the most in-dire need, and at that time, it was baby Koji who is in need the most.

It’s like sir Mark felt the needs of baby Koji, and through the Chummy Chum Foundation, the mom was able to buy milk, medicines, and diapers for baby Koji Joson.

Regardless of how much you give, it’s the urgent response that counts the most. Thank you sir Mark Garcia and the Chummy Chum team who have been always there any time of the day to listen and reach out.

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