CMAP No. 201, JN, 4, Congenital Heart Defect – DORV, Philippine Heart Center
JN was born with a rare congenital heart defect, wherein the heart’s two major arteries (the pulmonary artery and the aorta) are both connected to the right ventricle – such a medical condition is called Double Outlet Right Ventricle or DORV. JN had a successful open heart surgery just last June 2022. He is now in the recovery phase and is taking maintenance medicine. Before JN’s surgery, his 8 years old sister also underwent the same surgical operations.
The father cooks and sells porridge as the sole source of income for the family, but due to the previous heart operations of their second child that got them tied with debts, the income barely covers their basic needs more so the medical and nutritional needs of the sick child.
JN received from CCFPI a Php 20,000 total value of medical assistance.
(The amount has to be mentioned for transparency and accountability)